"This has been the most luxurious safari I could have ever imagined – On the most magical island in the world. Thank you thank you thank you." Sarah C.
"Just like summer camp for grown-ups! Wonderful company, beautiful setting, gracious hosts. Good memories." Judy R.
"My stay with you folks has been fabulous- the food, the company and all our island explorations…Cumberland is special in so many ways; the beach, the dunes, the forest, the marsh and especially the people, always dedicated to its protection and enjoyment for all future generations." Jim H.
"That wild place has settled now in my spirit and I have you to thank....there was nothing that could have made that safari more special- I loved every second of it." S.C.
"The beach, the maritime forests, marshes and wild life were more beautiful than I had ever imagined and to walk in structures or stand by ruins with such history sent chills up my spine." Mary Earle M.
1 part mosquitos, 1 part horse manure, 1 whole belly-up armadillo, 2 parts crushed crabs, 2/3 cup live ticks. Bake 345 for 1 hour, 20 min. Let cool, sprinkle with tequilla, tree frogs and sand.
Matt Anderson, from the Greyfield Inn guest book
"Last night we went down to the Grange dock. The moon was a crescent rising in the west. Water in the creek was still, like a mirror. The reeds in the marsh were smooth, like velvet. We saw Jupiter and 4 moons."
J.C. 1982 from The Grange guest book on Cumberland Island
"I would say 'breathe deeply' and you would remember that smell for the rest of your life; the bold, fecund aroma of the tidal marsh, exquisite and sensual, the smell of the South in heat, a smell like new milk, semen and spilled wine, all perfumed with seawater."
Pat Conroy from the Greyfield Inn guest book